ADB — supported projects in Uzbekistan: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Уважаемые читатели, в связи с тем, что публикация «Проекты с поддержкой АБР в Узбекистане вчера, сегодня, завтра» вызвала интерес у наших зарубежных коллег, предлагаем её на английском языке (unofficial translation).


What projects in the areas of environmental protection, water supply, climate change, and green economy are being implemented in Uzbekistan through the loans and grants of the Asian Development Bank? This question and a number of other questions were asked to Ms. Cindy Malvicini, Country Director, Uzbekistan Resident Mission of ADB, by journalists at the press conference held due to the end of her mission in the country.

The Uzbekistan Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank has been operating in Uzbekistan since 1995. Since then and through 2018, 72 loans have been received for a total of $7.7 billion, including two private sector loans totaling to $225 million.

th the appointment of Ms. Cindy Malvicini as a Country Director of the ADB Uzbekistan Resident Mission (December 2018), a decision was made to develop a new Country Partnership Strategy for 2019-2023. This five-year program, approved by ADB in June 2019, is in line with the national strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its priorities.

The program continues to support the country in water supply and sanitation sector, in improving roads and railways, supporting production and export of horticultural products, efficient irrigation systems and supply of reliable electricity to the population and businesses. The new emphasized  areas are education and health care, supporting the state in reforming enterprises, development of a market economy and regional cooperation.

While in 2018 there was only one project with private sector participation, in the subsequent years the private sector has been involved, including private banks, in renewable energy, agribusiness, healthcare.

The number of projects with public-private partnerships has increased. Among them are the projects in such areas as water resources, wastewater treatment, renewable energy, solid waste, school construction, and healthcare.

To date, as Ms. Cindy Malvicini noted, ADB has to provided Uzbekistan 228 loans, grants and technical assistance for the public sector for a total amount of $10.4 billion. ADB’s current portfolio of sovereign projects in Uzbekistan includes 34 loans and one grant worth $4.91 billion.

In 2021, the Asian Development Bank approved six new projects and programs for the public sector of Uzbekistan worth $736.7 million. In the transport sector, ADB finances road and rail projects. For example, the electrification of the 465-kilometer high-speed railway between Bukhara and Khiva via Urgench was financed (by the loan for an amount of $162 million). A loan worth $121 million dollars was provided for the electrification of the Pap-Namangan-Andijan railway.

Sustainable water supply and sanitation services remain a priority. In 2021, ADB provided a loan of $161 million for development of an integrated wastewater management system in six cities, one district center and 70 settlements in three districts of the Tashkent region.

A wastewater treatment project in Namangan has also been approved. It should be noted that this is the first public-private partnership project in the water supply and sanitation sector. Wastewater projects are in their early stages. Technical specifications are considered, tenders are held. Ms. Cindy Malvicini stressed that she personally visited Namangan wastewater treatment facilities and understands the importance of wastewater treatment projects.

During the press conference, it was noted that all projects have an environmental component, and actions are being planned to minimize the impact on the environment. The projects analyze the risks caused by climate change. There must be confidence that the natural disasters resulting from the climate change, such as floods or mudflows, will not wash away the constructed roads and bridges. The projects include climate change adaptation measures. In particular, ADB has helped the road agencies to implement best practices for climate change-sensitive road maintenance.

The gender component is also part of the projects. Women should be involved in every project, and at the end of any project women should receive benefits and advantages. Social projects also take into account gender. There are now five active social projects: two in education and three in healthcare. In healthcare, emphasis is made on equipping polyclinics and improving primary medical and social care.

Looking forward, ADB will support the policy of the Government of Uzbekistan for strengthening the private sector and improving the management of state-owned enterprises. The bank will also continue consultations on preparation of viable public-private partnership projects. The Bank will act in line with the National Development Strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 and the related reform program.

The journalists asked Ms. Cindy Malvicini, Country Director of the ADB Uzbekistan Resident Mission, about her personal prospects in the ADB. “I will work at the bank’s headquarters in Manila, Philippines. I plan to visit the countries of Central Asia and, including, of course, Uzbekistan as part of my new job duties. I will watch with interest the implementation of already launched and new projects under the loans and grants of the Asian Development Bank.”


Nataliya Shulepina



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